
Showing posts from November, 2020

One NATURAL way to reduce blood sugar.

One NATURAL way to reduce blood sugar.   1. Can your blood sugar level, kept under control. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : 2. Why should you keep your blood sugar level under control ?  Increased blood sugar level.  Diabetes is the most deadly disease in this era, killing many people. a)  Most common  and ONLY cause for diabetes is : 1. UNbalanced diet b) Rare causes are: 1. Genetic  2. Wrong medications  And so on ..... So do you know which, is the ONLY Best treatment for diabetes ? 1. It’s only a correct Balanced Home food diet plan. 2. NOT Diabetic tablets. 3. NOT  Insulin Curcumin, found in Turmeric, has been proved to have additional role to reduce the blood sugar level. Turmeric should be taken only in RAW form for better results. Don’t think that you can eat turmeric and also eat junk foods. So, that your blood sugar level will be under control.  If you DON’T keep your

NATURAL way to prevent PIMPLES in face.

  NATURAL way to prevent PIMPLES in face.  1. Can you stop pimple permanently ? 2. Is pimples a danger to the face ? Before knowing the natural treatment of pimples, one should know the causes of pimples. a) common cause: 1. Idiopathic (An idiopathic disease is, any disease with an unknown cause of spontaneous origin. ) 2. Puberty 3. Hormonal problems like PCOD 4. Overweight  5. Hormonal problems like menstrual irregularities.  Rare causes: 1. Cosmetics  2. Face powders 3. Bacterial infections  So, after knowing all the causes , the BEST and only way to avoid pimples is to prevent all the above cases by:  a) Reduce body weight b) Avoid powder in face  c) Avoid cosmetics  d) Treat hormonal problems  And so on ......... Turmeric has the potential of antioxidant property. Eating RAW Turmeric is very good for avoiding pimples. Topical appliance of raw turmeric paste is good, since it has additional antibacterial and antiviral properties. Thereby prevents the occurrence of pimples.  NOTE:-

Will ginger affect your SLEEP ?

Will ginger affect your SLEEP ?   1. Is there any relation between ginger and sleep ? 2. Is it advisable to take some ginger, before going to sleep ? Magnocol, a component and present in ginger, helps in good sleep. Persons with anxiety and stress, can have a piece of ginger or ginger tea, before going to bed, which will help to give you a good sleep. 1) Ginger also helps, in reducing blood pressure. 2)Ginger also has a good laxative property (substances that loosen stools and increase bowel movements ) and so helps in preventing constipation. 3) Ginger contains many antioxidants ( Substances that   may play a role in preventing heart disease, cancer and other diseases.)and it is good for the heart and the kidney. 4) Ginger is also used to treat various types of "stomach problems," including motion sickness, morning sickness, colic, acidic stomach, gas, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)and nausea. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. If  you find this

Drinking Tea. Is it a HARM for wheezing patient.

  Drinking Tea. Is it a HARM for wheezing patient. 1. Can a asthma patient drink Tea ? 2. Why Tea addicts should be careful if he or she is an asthma patient? Wheezing is one of the MOST common disease, affecting all age groups. There are so many causes for wheezing. Some common causes are: 1)  Idiopathic ( An idiopathic disease is, any disease with an unknown cause of spontaneous origin. ) 2) Familial( from parents to their children) 3) Allergic to food, pollens, cosmetics, fur and so on . 4) smoking  Our point to be discussed here is, will drinking tea, helps in wheezing problem. Tea has two good substances called 1) Theobromine  (AND) 2) Theophylline  Both the above are very good broncodialators. Broncodialators are substances which help in dialation(expansion) of the lungs.  So today’s carry home message is, asthma  patients, along with routine medications, it is good to have a cup of tea. Kindly ☘️SHARE☘️ this message with your good friends. Kindly ☘️subscribe☘️to my blog for fur

This fruit DEFINITELY helps in weight loss.

  This fruit DEFINITELY  helps in weight loss . 1.How this fruit helps in weight loss? 2.Where can I get this fruit? Today overweight is a major problem.  People are trying: a) protein powder  b) Juice c) Honey d) Hot Lime water e) Tablets f) Tread mill g) Heavy exercise BUT, they get NO results. Do you know why. They do not eat a BALANCED home food. A balanced homemade food is the ONLY way for weight loss WITHOUT any side effects to our human body.  Avocado fruit has proven, to help in weight loss.  DONOT be carried away with the message that eating avacado fruit, and eating junk foods will help in weight loss.  A balanced homemade food, with additional avacado fruit,will definitely help in weight loss.  Avacado is rich in good vitamins like: a) Vitamin-B2, which helps to prevent oral ulcers.  b) Vitamin-B3, which helps to prevent chronic diarrhoeal illness. c)Folate, which is good for pregnant mother.  d) Magnesium, which is good for the heart.  e) Vitamin-C, which is good for thyroi

Best NATURAL way to cure DRY skin.

Best NATURAL way to cure DRY skin. 1. What are the causes of dry skin ? 2. Can dry skin be treated easily ? Main causes of dry skin are:  1. Humidity . 2. Using soap very often . 3. Using strong detergents . 4. Some skin diseases . The best natural ways to treat dry skin are: 1. DO NOT use soap very frequently. 2. Apply HOME made coconut oil (not the commercial one’s available in the market )and do oil massage two times daily. 3.Avoid using soap after oil massage while bathing . 4. Avoid using face cream. 5. Avoid using face powder. 6. Coconut oil face massage , before going sleeping .  7. Choose fabrics that are suitable to your skin. 8. Use luke warm water and limit bath time. Many people falsely think that ,they get more pimples after oil massage on Face.  This is obsolutely a wrong concept of the public. Pimples in face is due to hormonal changes, which may be physiological or pathological. I hope t his information was very new to you. So, why can’t you help your good  friends by  

Eating RICE. Is it good or bad ?

Eating RICE. Is it good or bad ?   1. Is there any benefit in taking rice ? 2. Is there any demerit in eating rice? All varieties of rice are a great source of minerals and  it is also rich in vitamins.It is easy to digest and is has less saturated fats and has good cholesterol as compared to other foods. Despite it may be a source of energy, eating white rice without exercise may gain weight. ADVANTAGES of rice are: 1. Almost zero fat 2. Has Vitamin-B6 3. Has Magnesium  Magnesium present in rice is very useful for treating muscle cramp. Vitamin-B6 is very useful for the health of : a) nerves b) skin  c) red blood cells DISADVANTAGES of rice are: A) Rice has very low amount of: 1. Iron 2. Calcium  B) Rice has almost zero percentage of: 1. Vitamin-A 2. Vitamin-B 3. Vitamin-D Lack of Vitamin-A might lead to night blindness. Lack of Vitamin-D will lead to softening of bones, which leads to rickets.  NOTE : Parboiled rice is much better than polished rice.  If  you find this informative, p

Why “Snoring is a KILLER”?

  Why “Snoring is a KILLER” ? 1. Why snoring is a killer ? 2. Can snoring led you to death ? 3. Can snoring be treated ? Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome is also called snoring. This dreaded disease is due to the enlargement of the gland called Adenoid in the throat region.  When this adenoid gland enlarges, it blocks the larynx and air, will not be able to enter your lungs.  The problem is when the patient is sleeping, this enlarged adenoid, obstructs the larynx and air cannot enter the lungs. So you cannot breathe. This will lead to sudden death due to lack of oxygen. Most common causes for the enlargement of the Adenoid Gland are: 1. Obesity 2. Infections  Best treatment for the enlargement of the Adenoid gland is: 1. Reduce your body weight.  2. Treat, infections from a doctor. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. If  you find this informative, please 🍀share🍀 it with your  friends. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : www.facebook.

Why overweight person should NOT do running, use treadmill, play badminton and do heavy exercise?

Why overweight person should NOT do running, use treadmill, play badminton and do heavy exercise? 1.Can you tell me why ? 2. Is it dangerous to your life ? When overweight person runs fast, he puts an extra workload for his HEART. This extra work load to the heart causes, heart muscle damage. Again, this extra work load to the heart ,running fast, will cause increase in heart rate and lead  to difficulty in breathing. It can even cause, sudden stoppage of heart beat, which ultimately leads you to death.  He or she can go ONLY for a very slow walk. Another major problem , in an overweight person is  , most of the  excess weight is in the upper part of the body. That is above the knee joint. So, when an overweight person runs fast, causes frictional damage to both the knee joints.  This can lead to severe pain in the joint, due to chronic arthritis and cause damage to the knee joint bones. This may even lead to surgical replacement of the knee joint.  ONLY A balanced home diet plan can r

IS ladies finger HARM to a pregnant mother ?

  IS ladies finger HARM to a pregnant mother ?  1. Can a pregnant mother eat ladies finger?  2. Is there anything new, you should know about ladies finger ? Ladies finger  is very useful for a pregnant mother, since it contains: a) Folate, which prevents neural tube defects in fetus. b) Controls diabetes because of low sugar content. c) It also contains good amount of calcium and potassium. d) Contains magnesium, which helps to prevent the occurrence of muscle cramps.  e) Contains fibre which prevents constipation. f) Very low fat, helpful in weight loss. g) Has Vitamin-K, which is helpful for blood clotting. h) Has Vitamin-C which is ,helpful if the pregnant mother  is suffering from thyroid problem. i) it also contains Vitamin-A, Vitamin-B6 , thiamine. Each has its own function in improving immunity. If  you find this informative, please          đźŤ€share🍀 it with your  friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. Follow me on:- Instagram: www.instagram.c

Why should you NOT drink coffee?

  Why should you NOT drink coffee? 1. Which slow poison is present in coffee ? 2. Will coffee cause brain damage 🧠 ? There are a few things to consider when deciding whether you should drink coffee or not. CAFFEINE stimulates your central nervous system by acting as a central nervous system stimulant . When it reaches your brain, the most noticeable effect is alertness. You will feel more awake and less tired. That is why some  people want to drink coffee, when they have a headacahe.  When consumed in excess, CAFFEINE can cause anxiety, heart palpitations( increased Heart beat) and sleeping problems. Drinking coffee daily will lead to brain damage due to the presence of slow poison, CAFFEINE. CAFFEINE consumption on a regular basis will lead to many old age problems like brain damage, memory loss etc.  Just think,  our ancestors who lived 2000 years ago did not drink coffee and they lived, more than 100 years. But in today’s world people we drink different type of coffee and reduce ou

FATTY LIVER, is it dangerous ?

FATTY LIVER, is it dangerous ? 1. What are the causes of fatty liver? 2. What is the ONLY best treatment of fatty liver? Fatty liver is seen in both male and female. The ONLY most common cause of fatty liver is overweight (obesity). So, what is the best treatment for fatty liver? Weight loss by balanced diet. Causes of fatty liver are: 1. Alcoholism 2. Medicines 3. Trans fat rich foods So, The carry home message is  weight loss can cure diseases like: 1.Bad cholesterol 2. High blood pressure  3. Heart attack 4. Hormonal problems And so on............... You CANNOT reduce your body weight by: 1. Drinking honey  2. Drinking juice 3.Eating protein powder 4.Eating tablets 5. Doing heavy exercise Don’t forget,...... A BALANCED home-based diet plan can do wonders to reduce body weight. So, today’s carry home message is fatty liver is treatable.  If  you find this informative, please          đźŤ€share🍀 it with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. Follow me

What is the reason for muscle cramp ?

What is the reason for muscle cramp ?   1.What are the food that you should eat to avoid having muscle cramp ? 2. Which nutrient is needed to avoid muscle cramp ? 3. Why muscle cramps should be treated very seriously? Muscle cramps is mainly due to the deficiency of magnesium and partly due to calcium deficiency. Muscle cramps will be extremely painful. Natural sources of magnesium are: 1. Nuts 2. Dry beans 3 Seeds 4.Green vegetables 5. Milk Improper sitting position. Sitting with your legs crossed for long periods of time  will shorten your calf muscles, which could lead to cramping. Prolonged standing is also an another reason for nocturnal muscle cramps.  Things you should do to get relief form muscle cramp: 1.Stretch and massage. Stretch the cramped muscle and gently rub it.  2.Apply heat, use a warm towel or heating pad on  your tense or tight muscles. So today’s carry home message is to eat the above  listed food if you are suffering from muscle cramps.  So, wh y can’t you help y

When will you suspect diabetes ?

When will you suspect diabetes ?   How to diagnose diabetes on your own? Can you diagnose diabetes on your own? The three main clinical symptoms, Usually gives you a clue to suspect diabetes.  They are: 1. urination many times   2.always feeling thirsty  3. always feeling hungry Along with the above three main symptoms you can also have 1. Tiredness 2. Severe weight loss 3. Dry tongue 4. Craving for food 5. Frequent urination 6. Shoulder pain 7. Frequent urinary tract infection 8. Would - not healing 9. Pale and brittle nails 10. Problem in vision 11. Poor skin sensation of foot And many more.................... If you find this informative, please          đźŤ€share🍀 it with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates.  Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  :

Can you drink milk along with thyroid tablets, if you are a thyroid patient ?

Can you drink milk along with thyroid tablets, if you are a thyroid patient ?   Can you take thyroid tablets along with milk? Be double careful if you are a thyroid patient. Generally   1.Calcium 2. Iron 3. Protein......... affect  the absorption of thyroid tablets. 1)  Foods, rich in calcium should be avoided along with thyroid tablets , as it affects the absorption of the thyroid tablets.  Food rich in calcium are: 1.milk 2. Cheese 3. Fish bones 4. Calcium tablets  The above four calcium rich food items, should be taken at least one hour after eating thyroid tablets. 2) Iron also affects the absorption of thyroid tablets. So, foods rich in iron, should not be taken along with thyroid tablets. Food rich in iron are: 1.Meat 2.Sea foods 3.Beans 4.Spinach 5.Peas The above five iron rich foods, should be taken at least one hour after thyroid tablet intake. 3) Protein powder, protein drinks also affects thyroid tablet absorption. So it is better to take protein powder or protein drink afte

Be CAREFUL while drinking lemon juice if you are a THYROID patient?

  Be careful while drinking lemon juice if you are a thyroid patient? Why lemon juice is a point to be discussed in relation to a thyroid patient? Is it dangerous? Today many people are suffering from thyroid related illness. Patients with thyroid disease usually suffer from thyroid disease usually suffer from overweight or underweight, constipation or diarrhoea, PCOD problems, infertility, tiredness and so on. Vitamin-C is important for thyroid hormone metabolism, which is found in good quantities in lemon so it is always good for thyroid patients to have lemon juice or other vitamin-C it is foods. Thyroid disease patients, should take the thyroid tablets only in the early  morning with a empty stomach. They can have food only after 60 minutes, after taking thyroid tablets. Kindly ☘️SHARE☘️  this message with your good friends. Kindly ☘️subscribe☘️to my blog for further updates. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter