Eating RICE. Is it good or bad ?

Eating RICE. Is it good or bad ? 

1. Is there any benefit in taking rice ?
2. Is there any demerit in eating rice?

All varieties of rice are a great source of minerals and  it is also rich in vitamins.It is easy to digest and is has less saturated fats and has good cholesterol as compared to other foods.

Despite it may be a source of energy, eating white rice without exercise may gain weight.

ADVANTAGES of rice are:
1. Almost zero fat
2. Has Vitamin-B6
3. Has Magnesium 

Magnesium present in rice is very useful for treating muscle cramp.

Vitamin-B6 is very useful for the health of :
a) nerves
b) skin 
c) red blood cells

DISADVANTAGES of rice are:

A) Rice has very low amount of:

1. Iron
2. Calcium 

B) Rice has almost zero percentage of:
1. Vitamin-A
2. Vitamin-B
3. Vitamin-D

Lack of Vitamin-A might lead to night blindness.

Lack of Vitamin-D will lead to softening of bones, which leads to rickets. 

NOTE: Parboiled rice is much better than polished rice. 

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