
Showing posts from February, 2021

Patients with heart problems and eat this.

  Patients with heart problems and eat this. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : Radish is good for the heart and blood vessel dilation. 1)  Why and How ? Radish contains nitrates, which help in dilation of blood vessels in the body. Nitrates might indirectly help in dilation of blood vessels in the heart also. NOTE:- But do not consider, radish of golden standard. Always take your doctors advice. Some others methods  to help you your heart: 1) Keep your body weight normal. There is no need to go yo gym. 2)  No alcohol strictly. 3) Correct treatment for diabetes, high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol. 4) Regular walking. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. If  you find this informative, please 🍀share🍀 it with your  friend s. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  :

ESCAPE from Dengue Fever by doing this .

  ESCAPE from Dengue Fever by doing this .   Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : 1) Do this if you want to escape from any mosquito Bite ? Dengue fever is caused by mosquito bite. Mosquito acts as an vector . Dengue fever is very a serious illness and has led to many deaths all across the world. The BEST natural way to prevent mosquito bite is to apply home-made coconut oil, on the entire body or at least the  exposed areas, both during day and night. NOTE:- Use only home made coconut  oils and not the one, which is sold as refined oil at supermarkets. You will get 100 % results, just give it a try.  Please share this message, because now it’s dengue fever season.   Help others. NOTE:- After applying coconut oil, do not apply soap. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. If  you find this informative, please 🍀share🍀 it with your  friend s. Follow me on:- Instagram: 

NO BABIES...What are the most common cause of infertility today ?

 NO BABIES...What are the most common causes of infertility today ? Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : Are they treatable ?  Today the most common cause of infertility females is Hormone  problems like: 1) PCOD 2) Overweight 3) Thyroid hormone problem 4) Insulin hormone problem 5) Many more All the above problems are BEST , treated by weight loss programme, Diabetes only can only and only be treated by balanced home food diet plain.  If you do not have a balance food plan you will how to take tablets and insulin  lifelong and face its complications. The one and only best treatment for PCOD come only by valance plan. Not hormone tablets s  alone. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. If  you find this informative, please 🍀share🍀 it with your  friend s. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : 

Eat this in order to prevent constipation.

Eat this in order to prevent constipation. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : 1. Guava 2. Papaya 3. Gooseberry  4. Bananas The above said or to have a high amount of fibre content which will prevent constipation. Generally  overweight persons, do you have constipation issues, which will be a real stress for them. Also female southern problems like PCOD, will have constipation. Person with thyroid problem also have constipation. Surgical cases and medical cases of constipation, should be treated with your family doctors advice.  No self medication at any cost. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. If  you find this informative, please 🍀share🍀 it with your  friend s. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  :

Diabetic persons should eat this daily. Why ?

  Diabetic persons should eat this daily. Why ? Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : Guava is rich in: Vitamin-A : good for vision. Vitamin-C: good for food healing. Vitamin-C: prevents bleeding gums. Folic acid: nerve health. Copper: prevents anaemia. Fiber: prevents constipation. Manganese: good for bones. Diabetes if not controlled , by taking a balanced home food plan it will lead to many life threatening complications. Dimensions of vision can be prevented by Vitamin-A in Guava and poor own healing capacity can be improved by Vitamin-C which is also present in Guava. Based on only treatment for diabetes is only a balance to harmful plan and not tablets or insulin. Be careful!!!! Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. If  you find this informative, please 🍀share🍀 it with your  friend s. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook :  www.f

Eat this if you are a diabetic person.

 Eat this if you are a diabetic person. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : Diabetes is the leading cause of many health problems today. Diabetes is a growing fast only due to wrong and balanced diet habits. NOTE:- Please do not think genetic is the main causes of diabetes. It is only a very rare reason for  diabetes. So the correct treatment for diabetes is only correct balanced home food plan. If you do not take correct balanced home food you cannot stop you are a diabetic tablets and insulin lifelong. NOTE:- Diabetic tablets and will do more harm, than diabetes. So be very much careful while consuming them.  Ladies finger rich in Vitamin-C fast healing of wound in a  diabetic person. Some other benefits of ladies finger are : 1. Good for eyes  2. Glowing skin  3. Increases the production of erythrocytes  4. Improves immunity 5. Weight loss 6. Reduces blood sugar level in diabeti

Fatty liver.....

  Fatty liver.... Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : This is good to improve liver health. Eat this regularly. Fatty liver, if not treated will lead to many health issues. So day current medication as advised by the doctor. Overweight it is one of the important cause of fatty liver.  Radish is good to treat fatty liver, because it helps to remove bad toxins in the liver, and also has minimal role in preventing jaundice. Radish is good for heart, because it contains nitrates which is very useful to prevent heart attack. The main function of nitrates, is to dial and blood vessels in the heart. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. If  you find this informative, please 🍀share🍀 it with your  friend s. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  :

Eat this for weight loss.

  Eat this for weight loss. Follow me on:- Instagram: Facebook : Twitter  : 1) Why is it important to eat this with ad on benefit ? Cauliflower has: 1) Fat : Zero percentage  2) Protein : Medium level 3) Calories : Minimum level  4) Vitamins : Good 5) Fiber : Good Since it prevents constipation (by avoiding formation of hard stools). Vegetable protein or Good to human body, which gets  easily digested. Minimal calories in cauliflower will also help in weight loss. But, patients with thyroid problem should not eat cauliflower at any cost. Cauliflower is one of vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the genus Brassica, which being to the Brassicaceae family. It is an annual plant that reproduces by seed. Only the head portionis eaten the edible white flesh sometimes called "curd". Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my  blog for further updates. If  you find this informative, please 🍀shar